The Town of Greeneville is an EPA Phase II Stormwater Community. As such, the Town maintains an NPDES Stormwater Permit with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, which authorizes discharges of stormwater from small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s).
The permit authorizes stormwater discharges to waters of the state from the municipality. The MS4 is authorized to discharge the following non-stormwater sources, provided TDEC has not determined these sources to be substantial contributors of pollutants to the MS4:
Water line flushing
Landscape irrigation
Diverted stream flows
Rising ground waters
Uncontaminated ground water infiltration
Uncontaminated pumped ground water
Discharges from potable water sources
Air conditioning condensate
Irrigation water
Water from crawl space pumps
Footing drains
Lawn watering
Individual residential car washing
Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands
Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges
Street wash water
Discharges or flows from fire fighting activities
The Stormwater Management Program is made up of the following minimum control measures:
Public Education and Outreach
Public Involvement/Participation
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Construction Site Stormwater Runoff
Permanent Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment
The Town of Greeneville maintains all of the drainage structures on public right-of-way. The Town does not maintain drainage structures (culverts, ditches, grates, etc.) on private property, unless the Town has a drainage easement with the property owner to do so.
From time to time, city residents experience drainage issues on their property as a result of run-off from adjacent property. It is important to remember that stormwater drainage in Tennessee is governed by the natural flow rule. Under the natural flow rule, the lower property owner is required to accept the water that would naturally flow from the upper land owner; he/she is not liable for any damages that arise from that natural flow.
Complaints may be reported to our Stormwater Hotline at 423-823-4013.
The Town of Greeneville participates in the Tennessee Stormwater Association (TNSA) TAB program to satisfy the PSA requirement of our stormwater permit. Those reports can be viewed under the documents section of this site.